Dr. Rich Patterson
Quality Assurance
Dr. Richard Patterson has extensive and wide-ranging experience in Research and Development of agricultural chemical and biotechnology products.  Dr. Patterson established RJ Patterson and Associates to provide quality assurance and regulatory compliance consulting for diverse disciplines required for technology development, management, and transfer in agriculture and biotechnology.  His client base has included numerous large companies plus smaller companies including start-ups. He is an expert and long-time leader in GLP quality assurance and regulatory compliance. Previously, Dr. Patterson led the initiation and establishment of CIBA-GEIGY Corporation’s Biotechnology Research Unit in Research Triangle Park, NC USA. Then, as the first President of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Dr. Patterson laid the foundation for the Center to become a vital catalyst for biotechnology research and business.
Dr. Patterson received his PhD in Plant Physiology from University of California at Davis followed by post-doctoral research at Cornell University.